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  • Dra. Rosalina Reyes Luna. School of Biology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. Joint project to investigate sperm quality in male guppies.

  • Dr. Fausto René Beamonte Barrientos. Centro Tlaxcala de Biología de la Conducta, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Mexico. Joint project to investigate the effect of parasitism on male colouration in guppies.

  • Dr. Dr. Víctor M. Fajardo Guadarrama, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico. Joint project to study male dimorphism in lizards Sceloporus torquatus.

  • Dra. Angélica Trujillo Hernández. School of Biology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. Joint project to investigate ovary physiology in female guppies.

  • Mtra. Adriana Ramírez Vargas. School of Biology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. Joint project to investigate artificial selection in Drosophila.




  • Prof. John A. Endler. School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Australia. Principal Investigator in postdoctoral fellowship to investigate mate choice and mating effort in male guppies, Poecilia reticulata.

  • Dr. Bob Wong. School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Australia. Joint project to investigate reproductive costs in male guppies.




  • Dr. Gil Rosenthal. Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, U.S.A. Joint project to investigate bird predation on Xiphophorous hybrids and male mate-choice in X. malinche.




  • Prof. Gunilla Rosenqvist. Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. Joint project to investigate the effect of inbreeding on female preference for male olfactory cues in guppies.




  • Prof. Indar W. Ramnarine. Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago. Joint project to investigate the different strategies that male guppies use to find receptive females in the wild.

  • Prof. Jens Krause. Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology, University of Leeds, U.K. Joint project to investigate the different strategies that male guppies use to find receptive females in the wild.




  • Dr. Penny Watt. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, U.K. PhD supervisor: The role of olfactory cues in the mating behaviour of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata.

  • Dr. Jessica Stapley. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, U.K. Co-Supervisor for the thesis: The role of olfactory cues in the mating behaviour of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata.




  • Dr. Alejandro Moyaho Martínez. Instituto de Fisiología, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico. Honours supervisor: Female mate-choice in an endemic Mexican fish (Skiffia multipunctata).




  • Dr. Grant E. Brown. Department of Biology, Concordia University, Canada. Joint project to investigate how diet, condition, and ontogeny affect the production and reception of alarm cues in convict cichlids.

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